Qian Wang, Xiao Lu, Yan Zhang, Zhibo Wang, Zhan Qin and Kui Ren. SecWeb: Privacy-preserving Web Browsing Monitoring with w-Event Differential Privacy
Sang-Yoon Chang, Shaoying Cai, Hwajung Seo and Yih-Chun Hu. Key Updates at Train Stations: Two-Layer Dynamic Key Update Scheme for Secure Train Communications
Hailiang Fu, Guoqiang Bai and Xingjun Wu. A Very Compact Masked S-Box for High-Performance Implementation of SM4 Based on Composite Field
Lorena González Manzano, José María De Fuentes and K. Raymond Choo. ase-PoW: a Proof of Ownership mechanism for cloud deduplication in hierarchical environments
Mohammad Karami and Songqing Chen. Attribution of Economic Denial of Sustainability Attacks in Public Clouds
Yuta Takata, Mitsuaki Akiyama, Takeshi Yagi, Takeshi Yada and Shigeki Goto. Website Forensic Investigation to Identify Evidence and Impact of Compromise
Dong Shen, Zhangkai Zhang, Xuhua Ding, Zhoujun Li and Robert Deng. H-Binder: A Hardened Binder Framework On Android Systems
Zheng Xiao, Cheng Wang, Weili Han and Changjun Jiang. Unique on the Road: Re-identication of Vehicular Location-Based Metadata
Jianming Fu, Yan Lin and Xu Zhang. Environment Impact on Branch Transfer of Software
Zhiqiang Li, Lichao Sun, Qiben Yan, Witawas Srisa-An and Zhenxiang Chen. DroidClassifier: Efficient Adaptive Mining of Application-Layer Header for Classifying Android Malware
Xing Liu, Sencun Zhu, Wei Wang and Jiqiang Liu. Alde: Privacy Risk Analysis of Analytics Libraries in the Android Ecosystem
Hui Cui, Robert H. Deng, Xuhua Ding and Yingjiu Li. Attribute-Based Encryption with Granular Revocation
Yongfeng Li, Shanqing Guo and Bing Mao. Data Flow Analysis on Android Platform with Fragment Lifecycle Modeling
Shaoyong Du, Yue Gao, Jingyu Hua and Sheng Zhong. Secure Keyboards against Motion Based Keystroke Inference Attack
Jing Yang, Yuan Ma, Tianyu Chen, Jingqiang Lin and Jiwu Jing. Extracting More Entropy for TRNGs based on the Coherent Sampling
Yanhong He, Xianyi Zheng, Ziyuan Zhu and Gang Shi. TZ-SSAP: Security-Sensitive Application Protection on Hardware-assisted Isolated Environment
Yao Liu, Ming Xu, Jian Xu, Ning Zheng and Xiaodong Lin. SQLite Forensic Analysis Based on WAL
Jianbing Ni, Kuan Zhang, Xiaodong Lin, Yong Yu and Xuemin Shen. Cloud-Based Privacy-Preserving Parking Navigation through Vehicular Communications
Nicolas Van Balen, Christopher Ball and Haining Wang. A Behavioral Biometrics Based Approach to Online Gender Classication
Wei Shi, Jean-Pierre Corriveau and Mengfei Peng. Faulty Node Repair and Dynamically Spawned Black Hole Search
Nathaniel Lageman, Eric Kilmer, Robert Walls and Patrick McDaniel. BinDNN: Resilient Function Matching Using Deep Learning
Muqing Liu, Juanru Li, Juliang Shu, Yuanyuan Zhang and Dawu Gu. Security Analysis of Vendor Customized Code in Firmware of Embedded Device
Yacong Gu, Yao Cheng, Lingyun Ying, Yemian Lu, Qi Li and Purui Su. Exploiting Android System Services Through Bypassing Service Helpers
Ling Yang, Fuyang Fang, Xianhui Lu, Wen Tao Zhu, Qiongxiao Wang, Shen Yan and Shiran Pan. A Secure and Fast Dispersal Storage Scheme Based on the Learning with Errors Problem
Qinglong Zhang, Zongbin Liu, Cunqing Ma, Changting Li, Lingchen Zhang and Jiwu Jing. FROPUF: How to Extract More Entropy from Two Ring Oscillators in FPGA-Based PUFs
Russell W. F. Lai and Sherman S. M. Chow. Parallel and Dynamic Structured Encryption
Nicolae Paladi and Christian Gehrmann. TruSDN: Bootstrapping Trust in Cloud Network Infrastructure
Enrico Bacis, Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Sara Foresti, Stefano Paraboschi, Marco Rosa and Pierangela Samarati. Access Control Management for Secure Cloud Storage
Zhengyang Qu, Guanyu Guo, Zhengyue Shao, Vaibhav Rastogi, Yan Chen, Hao Chen and Wangjun Hong. AppShield: Enabling Multi-entity Access Control Cross Platforms for Mobile App Management
Chengyu Zheng, Stefano Zanero and Federico Maggi. GreatEatlon: Fast Static Detection of Modern Mobile Ransomware
Assad Umar, Iakovos Gurulian, Keith Mayes and Konstantinos Markantonakis. Tokenisation Blacklisting using Linkable Group Signatures
Tao Zhang, Xiuhua Wang and Sherman S. M. Chow. Privacy-Preserving Multi-Pattern Matching
Pinaki Sarkar and Morshed Chowdhury. Secure IoT Using Weighted Signed Graphs
Jiangyong Shi and Yuexiang Yang. Architecture Support for Controllable VMI on Untrusted Cloud
Biplob Ray, Morshed Chowdhury and Dr. Jemal Abawajy. A Multi-Protocol Security Framework to Support Internet of Things
Mozammel Chowdhury, Junbin Gao and Rafiqul Islam. Biometric Authentication using Facial Recognition
Wu Tianjun and Yang Yuexiang. IacCE: Extended Taint Path Guided Dynamic Analysis of Android Inter-App Data Leakage
Fidel Ikundi. Platform as a Service (PaaS) in Public Cloud: Challenges and Mitigating strategy
Mark Carman and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo. Tinder me softly – How safe are you really on Tinder?
Kamini Simi Bajaj. A Multi-Layer Model to Detect Spam Email at Client Side
Jemal Abawajy and Zaher Al Aghbari. Securing Websites against Homograph Attacks