Call for Workshop Track Proposals
Workshop Track Proposals Guidelines
- Submission Deadline for Workshop Track Proposals: 15th March 2025
We invite proposals for Workshop Tracks at SecureComm 2025. Below is an overview of how Workshop Tracks function and the opportunities they provide for organizers and participants.
Why Organize a Workshop Track?
Workshop Tracks offer a win-win opportunity—they enhance the conference and community while providing organizers with a platform to:
- Raise their academic profile within their field.
- Lead a focused discussion at the conference, fostering in-depth presentations and debates.
- Feature a dedicated section in the indexed proceedings, increasing visibility for their research network.
How It Works
A Workshop Track operates as a mini-conference under the SecureComm umbrella, with its own Chair and Committee responsible for:
- Reviewing, accepting, and rejecting submissions.
- Ensuring a fair and unbiased peer-review process (minimum of three reviewers per paper).
- Managing plagiarism checks using the EAI system.
By hosting dedicated Workshop Tracks, SecureComm strengthens its research scope, supports topic-specific communities, and improves the overall quality of reviews and accepted papers. This structure also alleviates the reviewing burden on the main Technical Program Committee (TPC), ensuring that each submission is assessed by topic experts for a more rigorous selection process.
We encourage you to submit a proposal and contribute to shaping the scientific discussions at SecureComm 2025!
Workshop Proposal Submission Guidelines
Workshop proposals should include the following information:
- Workshop Title
- Short Description: A brief overview of the workshop’s focus and objectives
- Organizer Information: Name, affiliation, and email address for each organizer
- Primary Contact: Identification of the main point of contact
Proposal Details
Scope & Topics: Clearly define the workshop’s scope and how it aligns with the main conference themes. List relevant topics that the workshop will cover.
Background & Motivation: Explain the significance of the workshop topic and why it is relevant at this time. If the workshop has been held previously, provide details (venue, URL) and describe how this edition will expand upon previous ones.
Format: Outline the workshop structure, including the expected number of participants, planned activities (such as introductions, invited talks, breakout discussions, and interactive sessions), and how these activities will achieve the workshop’s objectives.
Soliciting Submissions: Describe how you plan to attract submissions and participants. Mention any specific mailing lists, academic networks, or promotional strategies.
Participant Selection: Explain how workshop contributions and participants will be selected. List a proposed program committee to assist with organization and peer review.
Organizer Backgrounds: Provide brief bios for each organizer, highlighting their expertise in the workshop’s subject area.
Workshop Committee & Review Process
Once workshop proposals are approved, Workshop Chairs will be asked to provide a photo, short bio, and identify 5–10 Technical Program Committee (TPC) members/reviewers. This will help streamline the review process when the time comes. Please submit TPC members’ names, affiliations, and email addresses.
Workshop Selection Criteria and Benefits
We aim to select a diverse set of workshops while avoiding overlap in themes. Organizers of accepted workshops must create a Call for Papers to attract participants and submissions.
To encourage active participation, EAI will provide Workshop Organizers with one complimentary registration to the Workshop Track if the workshop receives at least ten submissions or six accepted (registered) papers. This registration can be allocated at the organizer’s discretion. If a workshop has fewer than six accepted papers or ten total submissions, EAI may offer discounted registration codes (25%-50%) based on budget availability. A minimum of six accepted papers is required for a dedicated section in the SecureComm proceedings.
Workshop Evaluation Criteria
Workshops will be assessed based on the following factors:
- Relevance to the conference themes and audience
- Potential to attract diverse participants
- Overall quality and contribution to the field
- Hands-on, interactive, and engaging format
- Complementarity to the main conference topics
- Clear strategy for attracting submissions and ensuring workshop success
- Organizers’ experience and ability to execute the workshop effectively
Workshop Track Publication
Accepted and presented papers will be included as a sub-section within the SecureComm 2025 conference proceedings, published in the Springer – LNICST series. Authors should ensure their submissions adhere to the formatting guidelines of the main conference publisher.
A minimum of 6 accepted and registered papers is required for a dedicated section in the SecureComm proceedings. Otherwise, the papers will be moved to he main section.
Workshop Track Chairs are invited to engage journals and further publication opportunities.
Proposal Submission
Workshop proposals should be submitted in a maximum of 4 pages in PDF format, single-spaced.
Please email your workshop proposals to the General Chair: Meikang Qiu – [email protected], and keep in the loop EAI SecureComm Conference Manager: Veronika Kissova – [email protected].